Genre/Form Terms

Use Library of Congress Genre/Form Terms for Library and Archival Materials (LCGFT) and the RBMS Controlled Vocabulary for Rare Materials Cataloging as the default thesauri when assigning any genre/form terms. When terms are duplicated in both thesauri (e.g. Zines), code the term ‡2 lcgft. When there are more specific terms applicable to special collections, use the RBMS term coded ‡2 rbmscv. If terms are not found in either LCGFT or the Controlled Vocabulary for Rare Materials Cataloging, use other thesauri in this order of preference:

This order of preference can be overridden in some cases. For example, if the scope note of a term from TGM is more suitable than the scope note of a term from LCGFT, then the ‡2 gmgpc source code can be used instead.

If a term cannot be found in any thesaurus, but it has been approved for use by the Bibliographic Description Unit, code the term ‡2 local.

It is important to remember that genre/form terms describe what a work is versus what it is about.

This list reflects the form and genre terms frequently used by the Bibliographic Description Unit in its cataloging of Beinecke printed materials and includes terms that the library believes are important and is updated to reflect changing usage and needs. It does not necessarily include the terms appearing on cataloging records in Orbis obtained via copy cataloging. These terms appear in the 655 field and are searchable in Orbis as “Genre/Form.” Catalogers may use authorized form and genre terms not on this list and may propose additions to the list. 

Genre/form terms may not be subdivided, geographically, topically, chronologically, or by form.

When using copy cataloging, or updating Beinecke records already in Orbis, remove all  subdivisions under genre/form terms, except for those noted below. Do not remove subdivisions on records with holdings from other special collections libraries (BAC, Walpole, AOB, etc.).

Always provide a 752 Hierarchical Place Name for the place of publication (usually subfields a, b and d [country, state and city]). Use a standardized form based on the 781 field of the place name authority record. For more information see: Hierarchical Place Names.

Except for LCSH terms, all Genre/Form terms are input in field 655 _7.

Those headings that correspond to copy-specific information should have ‡5 CtY-BR as the final subfield.

Genre Terms

  • Academic catalogs. ‡2 rbmscv
  • Academic theses. ‡2 lcgft
    Use for theses, dissertations and disputations
  • Acrostics (Puzzles) ‡2 lcgft
  • Acting editions. ‡2 lcgft
  • Advertisements. ‡2 lcgft
  • Almanacs. ‡2 lcgft
    See also Serials (special types): Almanacs
  • Alphabet books. ‡2 rbmscv
  • American newspapers: see Serials (special types): Newspapers
  • Anti-Catholic literature. ‡2 rbmscv
  • Artists’ books. ‡2 lcgft
  • Atlases. ‡2 lcgft
    See also Atlases
  • Auction catalogs. ‡2 lcgft
  • Audiobooks. ‡2 lcgft
  • Autonomist literature. ‡2 local
    See also Protest literature
  • Ballads. ‡2 lcgft
    Use in preference to Broadside poems when intended to be sung
  • Banned works. ‡2 rbmscv
  • Big little books. ‡2 rbmscv
  • Blank forms. ‡2 lcgft
  • Book prospectuses. ‡2 rbmscv
  • Booksellers’ advertisements. ‡2 rbmscv
  • Booksellers’ catalogs. ‡2 rbmscv
  • Broadside poems. ‡2 rbmscv
  • Calaveras. ‡2 lcgft
  • California as an island. ‡2 local
    Use for early maps when California was depicted as an island
  • Campaign biography. ‡2 lcgft
  • Campaign literature. ‡2 rbmscv
  • Captivity narratives. ‡2 lcgft
  • Carriers’ addresses. ‡2 rbmscv
  • Chapbooks. ‡2 rbmscv
    Do not use 20th and 21st century publications
  • Ciphers. ‡2 rbmscv
  • College addresses. ‡2 local
    Use for addresses other than Baccalaureate addresses given at colleges and universities
  • Colonial exhibitions. ‡2 aat
  • Comedy plays. ‡2 lcgft
  • Comics (Graphic works) ‡2 lcgft
    See also Serials (special types): Comics
  • Company prospectuses. ‡2 rbmscv
  • Composite atlases. ‡2 lcgft
    See also Composite Atlases
  • Concrete poetry. ‡2 lcgft
  • Congressional addresses. ‡2 rbmscv
  • Cookbooks. ‡2 lcgft
  • Counterculture.
    Code 655 _0
  • Cries. ‡2 rbmscv
  • Dialogues (Literature) ‡2 lcgft
  • Dictionaries. ‡2 lcgft
  • Dime novels. ‡2 rbmscv
    See also Serials (special types): Dime Novels
  • Directories. ‡2 lcgft
    See also Serials (special types): Directories
  • Emblem books. ‡2 lcgft
  • Erotica. ‡2 rbmscv
  • Exhibition catalogs. ‡2 lcgft
  • Expurgated editions. ‡2 rbmscv
  • Fables. ‡2 lcgft
  • Fairy tales. ‡2 lcgft
  • Festival books. ‡2 rbmscv
  • Fourth of July addresses. ‡2 rbmscv
  • Funeral addresses. ‡2 rbmscv
  • Funeral sermons. ‡2 lcgft
  • Gallows speeches. ‡2 rbmscv
  • Gift books. ‡2 lcgft
  • Graphic novels. ‡2 lcgft
    See also Comics and Graphic novels
  • Guidebooks. ‡2 lcgft
  • Herbals. ‡2 rbmscv
  • Hornbooks (Primers) ‡2 lcgft
  • Hymnals. ‡2 lcgft
  • Installation sermons. ‡2 rbmscv
  • Interlinearies. ‡2 rbmscv
  • Jesuit relations. ‡2 rbmscv
  • Juvenile literature. ‡2 rbmscv
  • Juvenilia. ‡2 rbmscv
  • Laws: use Statutes and codes
  • Legislative addresses. ‡2 rbmscv
  • Lettrist literature. ‡2 local
    See also Protest literature
  • Literary hoaxes. ‡2 rbmscv
  • Little magazines. ‡2 rbmscv
    See also Serials (special types): Little magazines
  • Livres d’artistes. ‡2 rbmscv
  • Local histories. ‡2 lcgft
  • Maps. ‡2 lcgft
    See also Map Cataloging for narrower terms
  • Maps in books. ‡2 local
  • Mazarinades. ‡2 rbmscv
  • Menus. ‡2 lcgft
  • Military orders. ‡2 rbmscv
    See also Army regulations
  • Morality plays. ‡2 lcgft
  • Movimento del ‘77 literature. ‡2 local
    See also Protest literature
  • Municipal ordinances. ‡2 lcgft
  • Mystery and miracle plays. ‡2 lcgft
  • Newspapers. ‡2 lcgft
    See also Serials (special types): Newspapers
  • Nursery rhymes. ‡2 lcgft
  • Official gazettes. ‡2 lcgft
  • Ordination sermons. ‡2 rbmscv
  • Overland journals. ‡2 rbmscv
  • Pastoral poetry. ‡2 lcgft
  • Pataphysical literature. ‡2 rbmscv
    See also Protest literature
  • Peepshows. ‡2 gmgpc
  • Penmanship specimen books. ‡2 rbmscv
  • Periodicals. ‡2 lcgft
    See also Serials (special types): Periodicals
  • Photographs. ‡2 lcgft
    Use for 19th century photographs only
  • Photobooks. ‡2 lcgft
  • Photoplay editions.
    Code 655 _0
  • Playbills (Posters) ‡2 lcgft
  • Playing cards ‡2 gmgpc
  • Pochoir. ‡2 aat
  • Poetical miscellanies. ‡2 rbmscv
  • Pressbooks.
    Code 655 _0
  • Primers: use Readers (Publications)
  • Prison periodicals.
    Code 655 _0
  • Programs (Publications) ‡2 lcgft
  • Promotional materials. ‡2 lcgft
  • Promptbooks. ‡2 rbmscv
  • Prospectuses: use narrower terms Company prospectuses and Book prospectuses
  • Protest literature. ‡2 rbmscv
    See also Protest literature
  • Publishers’ advertisements. ‡2 rbmscv
    Generally do not use for post-19th century publications
  • Publishers’ catalogs. ‡2 lcgft
  • Rappresentazioni: use Mystery and miracle plays
  • Readers (Publications) ‡2 lcgft
  • Regimental histories. ‡2 rbmscv
  • Romans à clef. ‡2 lcgft
  • Samizdat. ‡2 rbmscv
  • Satirical literature. ‡2 lcgft
  • Scrolls, [Language]. ‡2 local
  • Sermons. ‡2 lcgft
  • Sheet music. ‡2 aat
  • Situationist literature. ‡2 local
    See also Protest literature
  • Slave narratives. ‡2 lcgft
  • Spellers. ‡2 rbmscv
  • Statutes and codes. ‡2 lcgft
    Do not use for French or Mexican government documents
  • Textbooks. ‡2 lcgft
  • Thanksgiving day addresses. ‡2 rbmscv
  • Thanksgiving Day sermons. ‡2 lcgft
  • Theater programs. ‡2 lcgft
  • Tijuana bibles. ‡2 rbmscv
    Use instead of the LCGFT term Eight-pagers (Comic books)
  • Tracts (literary genre) ‡2 aat
    Use instead of the LCGFT term Tracts (Ephemera)
  • Trade catalogs. ‡2 lcgft
  • Tragedies (Drama) ‡2 lcgft
  • Tragicomedies. ‡2 lcgft
  • Travel writing. ‡2 lcgft
  • Typography, Dadaist. ‡2 local
  • Typography, Futurist. ‡2 local
  • Typography, Surrealist. ‡2 local
  • Typography, Vorticist. ‡2 local
  • Underground comics. ‡2 lcgft
    See also Serials (special types): Comics
  • Underground newspapers
    Code 655 _0
  • Underground periodicals. ‡2 lcgft
  • Underground publications. ‡2 rbmscv
  • Utopian literature. ‡2 rbmscv
  • Viewbooks. ‡2 rbmscv
  • Views. ‡2 gmgpc
  • Volvelles. ‡2 rbmscv
  • World’s fairs. ‡2 aat
  • Zines. ‡2 lcgft

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Binding Terms

All terms in this list are input in field 655 7. They are not subdivided geographically or chronologically. All headings are followed at end by ‡2 rbmscv unless otherwise noted. Those headings that correspond to copy-specific information should have ‡5 CtY-BR as the final subfield. See also the bindings and binders page. To facilitate copying and pasting the ‡5 CtY-BR has been added to terms that are usually copy-specific.

  • Accordion fold format. ‡2 rbmscv
  • Apollo and Pegasus bindings. ‡2 rbmscv ‡5 CtY-BR
  • Architectural bindings. ‡2 rbmscv ‡5 CtY-BR
  • Armorial bindings. ‡2 rbmscv ‡5 CtY-BR
    Use for all armorial bindings; also make a provenance tracing when ownership is known
  • Binders. ‡2 local
    Use when the binder is known, but there is no physical evidence; also make 7XX tracing with ‡e binder at the end (add ‡5 CtY-BR if copy specific)
  • Binders’ instructions. ‡2 rbmscv
  • Binders’ stamps. ‡2 local ‡5 CtY-BR
    Also make 7XX tracing with ‡e binder. ‡5 CtY-BR at the end
  • Binders’ tickets. ‡2 rbmscv ‡5 CtY-BR
    Also make 7XX tracing with ‡e binder. ‡5 CtY-BR at the end
  • Blind tooled bindings. ‡2 rbmscv ‡5 CtY-BR
    Always use with Pigskin bindings when binding is pigskin; use Blind tooled bindings alone only for notable examples
  • Bookbinding. ‡2 local ‡5 CtY-BR
    Use only for dated bindings; give date of binding in local note
  • Brocade bindings. ‡2 rbmscv ‡5 CtY-BR
  • Cathedral bindings. ‡2 rbmscv ‡5 CtY-BR
  • Chained bindings. ‡2 rbmscv ‡5 CtY-BR
  • Coptic bindings. ‡2 rbmscv ‡5 CtY-BR
  • Cosway bindings. ‡2 rbmscv ‡5 CtY-BR
  • Cottage style bindings. ‡2 rbmscv ‡5 CtY-BR
  • Cottonian Library book covers. ‡2 rbmscv ‡5 CtY-BR
  • Cuir-ciselé bindings. ‡2 rbmscv ‡5 CtY-BR
  • Dentelle bindings. ‡2 rbmscv ‡5 CtY-BR
  • Dos-à-dos bindings. ‡2 rbmscv
  • Doublures. ‡2 rbmscv ‡5 CtY-BR
  • Dust jackets. ‡2 rbmscv
    Traced for dust jackets through 1900, and selectively after 1900 per curator’s request
  • Emblematic bindings. ‡2 local ‡5 CtY-BR
  • Embroidered bindings. ‡2 rbmscv ‡5 CtY-BR
  • Etruscan bindings. ‡2 rbmscv ‡5 CtY-BR
  • Fan style bindings. ‡2 rbmscv ‡5 CtY-BR
  • Fanfare bindings. ‡2 rbmscv ‡5 CtY-BR
  • Flap bindings. ‡2 rbmscv ‡5 CtY-BR
  • Fore-edge paintings. ‡2 rbmscv ‡5 CtY-BR
  • Fur bindings. ‡2 rbmscv ‡5 CtY-BR
  • Gauffered edges. ‡2 rbmscv ‡5 CtY-BR
  • Girdle books. ‡2 rbmscv ‡5 CtY-BR
  • Goatskin bindings. ‡2 rbmscv ‡5 CtY-BR
  • Gold tooled bindings. ‡2 rbmscv ‡5 CtY-BR
    Use only for notable examples
  • Greek style bindings. ‡2 rbmscv ‡5 CtY-BR
  • Grotesque bindings. ‡2 rbmscv ‡5 CtY-BR
  • Hollis bindings. ‡2 rbmscv ‡5 CtY-BR
  • Interlace bindings. ‡2 rbmscv ‡5 CtY-BR
  • Islamic bindings. ‡2 rbmscv ‡5 CtY-BR
  • Jansenist style bindings. ‡2 rbmscv ‡5 CtY-BR
  • Lace bindings. ‡2 rbmscv ‡5 CtY-BR
  • Lacquered bindings. ‡2 rbmscv ‡5 CtY-BR
  • Landscape bindings. ‡2 rbmscv ‡5 CtY-BR
  • Manuscript waste. ‡2 rbmscv ‡5 CtY-BR
  • Masonic bindings. ‡2 rbmscv ‡5 CtY-BR
  • Metal bindings. ‡2 local
    Use for non-precious metal bindings; for precious metal bindings, use Treasure bindings
  • Middle Hill boards. ‡2 rbmscv ‡5 CtY-BR
  • Molded leather bindings. ‡2 rbmscv ‡5 CtY-BR
  • Mosaic bindings. ‡2 rbmscv ‡5 CtY-BR
  • Mudéjar bindings. ‡2 rbmscv ‡5 CtY-BR
  • Needlepoint bindings. ‡2 rbmscv ‡5 CtY-BR
  • Painted bindings. ‡2 rbmscv ‡5 CtY-BR
  • Papier-mâché bindings. ‡2 rbmscv ‡5 CtY-BR
  • Penitential bindings. ‡2 rbmscv ‡5 CtY-BR
  • Pictorial cloth bindings. ‡2 rbmscv
    Use for publisher’s pictorial cloth bindings from ca. 1870-1920
  • Pigskin bindings. ‡2 rbmscv ‡5 CtY-BR
    Use alone if not blind tooled; also use Blind tooled bindings if blind tooled
  • Printed waste. ‡2 rbmscv ‡5 CtY-BR
  • Prize bindings. ‡2 rbmscv
  • Publishers’ bindings. ‡2 rbmscv
    Use for bindings to 1800
  • Punch-dotting. ‡2 rbmscv ‡5 CtY-BR
  • Settle bindings. ‡2 rbmscv ‡5 CtY-BR
  • Shagreen bindings. ‡2 rbmscv ‡5 CtY-BR
  • Somber bindings. ‡2 rbmscv ‡5 CtY-BR
  • Tortoise shell bindings. ‡2 rbmscv ‡5 CtY-BR
  • Tracery (Bindings) ‡2 rbmscv ‡5 CtY-BR
  • Treasure bindings. ‡2 rbmscv ‡5 CtY-BR
  • Velvet bindings. ‡2 rbmscv ‡5 CtY-BR

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Provenance Evidence

All terms in this list are input in field 655 7. They are not subdivided topically, geographically or chronologically, unless otherwise noted. All headings are followed at end by ‡2 rbmscv unless otherwise noted. All headings correspond to copy-specific information and thus should have ‡5 CtY-BR as the final subfield.

  • Annotations ‡y [Known or estimated century of annotations]. ‡2 local ‡5 CtY-BR
    Subdivide by century; also make local personal or corporate name provenance subject tracings when appropriate according to Provenance Notes and Tracings
    Notes must be textual, not markings (e.g. underlinings, vertical marginal strokes, etc.)
  • Armorial bindings. ‡2 rbmscv ‡5 CtY-BR
    Also make a local 69X  [Name] ‡x Binding
  • Armorial bookplates. ‡2 rbmscv ‡5 CtY-BR
    Also make local 69X  [Name] ‡x Bookplate
  • Booksellers’ labels. ‡2 rbmscv ‡5 CtY-BR
    Also make 7XX tracing with ‡e bookseller. ‡5 CtY-BR at the end
  • Booksellers’ stamps. ‡2 local ‡5 CtY-BR
    Also make 7XX tracing with ‡e bookseller. ‡5 CtY-BR at the end
  • Extra-illustrated copies. ‡2 rbmscv ‡5 CtY-BR
    Also note extra illustrations in a local note
  • Original art. ‡2 local ‡5 CtY-BR
    Do not trace for original art published as such; also make local 692 [Name] ‡x Original art.

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Printing & Publishing Evidence

All terms in this list are input in field 655 _7. Those headings that correspond to copy-specific information should have ‡5 CtY-BR as the final subfield.

  • Advance copies. ‡2 rbmscv
  • Block books. ‡2 rbmscv
  • Cancellation. ‡2 rbmscv
    Make explanatory 500 and/or 590
  • Chronograms. ‡2 rbmscv
  • Colored paper printings. ‡2 rbmscv
  • Composition errors. ‡2 rbmscv
    Use only for notable examples
  • Compositor’s copy. ‡2 rbmscv
  • Dummies. ‡2 rbmscv
  • Engraved books. ‡2 rbmscv
  • False imprints. ‡2 rbmscv
    Make two hierarchical place name added entries
  • Fictitious imprints. ‡2 rbmscv
  • Forgeries. ‡2 rbmscv
  • Half-titles. ‡2 local
    Use for works to 1641
  • Imposition errors. ‡2 rbmscv
  • Inserted text leaves. ‡2 rbmscv
  • Made-up copies. ‡2 rbmscv
  • Miniature books. ‡2 rbmscv
  • Mourning borders. ‡2 local
  • Mourning wrappers. ‡2 local
  • Music notation. ‡2 local
    Use for works to 1692
  • Palm leaf books. ‡2 local
  • Perpendicular half-titles. ‡2 local
    Use only for books of the hand-press period
  • Piracies. ‡2 rbmscv
  • Printing in a single color. ‡2 rbmscv
  • Printing in multiple colors. ‡2 rbmscv
  • Privately published books. ‡2 rbmscv
  • Proofs. ‡2 rbmscv
  • Review copies. ‡2 rbmscv
  • Rubricator’s notes. ‡2 local
  • Shaped books. ‡2 rbmscv
  • Subscription lists. ‡2 rbmscv
  • Vellum printings. ‡2 rbmscv

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