Linking with Archival Materials

Printed material with separately cataloged manuscripts

Single volume monographs

Follow instructions in Bound-With Volumes. Make a 590 note explaining the relationship.


Bibliographic record
590     ‡a BEIN GEN MSS FILE 324: Part of: Papers relating to the Unigenitus controversy, 1714-1721.
Holdings record
852 8 0 ‡b beingen ‡h GEN MSS FILE ‡i 324 ‡z Housed with 2 other titles. To view other titles, search by call number: GEN MSS FILE 324

Serial or multi-part monograph

Follow the instructions for serials/multiparts in Bound-With Volumes. Make a 590 note in the bibliographic record, a ‡z in the 852 of the host MFHD and an 856 as the last field in the guest MFHD.

Printed material remaining in an archive

Follow the instructions for serials/multiparrts in Bound-With Volumes. Make a 590 note in guest bibliographic records and make 856s as the last field in guest MFHDs with a link to the Yale Finding Aid Database.


Bibliographic record
590     ‡a BEIN YCAL MSS 468 Box 106 Folder 1076: Forms part of the Sara and Gerald Murphy papers.
Holdings record
852 8 0 ‡b beinycal ‡h YCAL MSS ‡i 468 Box 106 Folder 1076
856 4 2 ‡u ‡z To expedite delivery of this item for use in the Beinecke Reading Room, click here and request Box 106 from Series VII of the Sara and Gerald Murphy Papers

For the ‡u, use the handle found in the finding aid.