Zc95 - Belles-Lettres

Yale Collection of Western Americana


Use for belles-lettres that describes the West. Use Zc96 for belles-lettres about a specific locality.


  • The second line is a cutter for the author using the OCLC Cutter Program four-figure table. Names with umlauts are cuttered with a combination of the vowel and “e”. For music not classed with geographic area, the second line is for the composer (or lyricist when the resource consists of text only).
  • The third line is a cutter for the title (generally 1 or 2 numbers are used).
  • The fourth line is the four-digit imprint date. Add a letter designation (b-g) to distinguish works issued in the same year; use the letter “a” for proof copies.
  • For translations, the conventional translations letters are used after the cutter number for title in the original language.

Pseudonymous works

  • Class all works by an author who writes under multiple names in one location.
  • Use the existing author cutter if the author has been classed previously in Zc95.
  • If the author is new to Zc95, cutter by the authorized form of the real name, if an authority record exists. If there is no authority record for the real name, cutter by the most predominant authorized form.
  • If there is no authority record, cutter by the name as it appears on the item. Class all new material by this author at this location.

Anonymous works and anthologies

If a work is by an anonymous author, or if a work is an anthology:

  • The second line is a cutter for the title.
  • The third line is the four-digit imprint date.


Haycox, Ernest. Alder Gulch, 1942.

Zc95 Work of belles-lettres relating to the West
H323 Cutter for Haycox
A4 Cutter for title
1942 Year of publication

Haycox, Ernest. Alder Gulch, 1957.

Zc95 Work of belles-lettres relating to the West
H323 Cutter for Haycox
A4 Cutter for title 
1957 Year of publication

Dakotah chief …, c1870.

Zc95 Work of belles-lettres relating to the West
D14 Cutter for title since it is an anonymous work
1870 Year of publication

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