Material that was not issued with but is related to a work sometimes accompanies an item to be cataloged. Examples include publisher’s announcements, descriptions by bookdealers, clippings, prospectuses, etc.
Printed Acquisitions makes notes in the acquisitions record about material that has been removed to either the Manuscript Unit or bibliographic files or about material that accompanies the item being cataloged. Catalogers should ignore notes that begin: “Removed to” and not note this in the catalog record. Catalogers should always note in the catalog record the material that begins “Accompanied by.” This policy became effective August 2005. Before this date, accession records have “Removed to:” or “Laid in:” notes. For this material follow instructions on the BLIPS.
Accompanying material remaining with item
The presence of accompanying material is recorded in a local note (590). Accompanying material remaining with the item will be marked with the call number. There will be no mention of the accompanying material in the MFHD or in the item record.
Bibliographic record
590 |
‡a BEIN 2009 488: Accompanied by: Prospectus (4 unnumbered pages). |
852 |
8 |
0 |
‡b beingen ‡h 2009 ‡i 488 |
Accompanying material housed separately
For accompanying material housed separately, but assigned the same call number as the source item (for items going to LSF, or for items with the same shelving location at 121), an additional item record is created with a barcode for each. Indicate that the accompanying material is housed separately in a local note (590). In the MFHD, add “‡z + Accompanying material” at the end of the call number. The item record for the accompanying material includes “acc. mat.” in the ENUM field.
Bibliographic record
590 |
‡a BEIN Koch 43: Dust jacket. 20 cm. From the Frederick R. Koch Collection, FRKF 1298a. Accompanied by prospectus for Fourteen songs (2 unnumbered pages), housed separately. |
852 |
8 |
0 |
‡b beingen ‡h Koch ‡i 43 ‡z + Accompanying material |
Item records
For accompanying material housed separately, but assigned a different call number from the source item (for items with different shelving locations at 121, e.g., broadsides, vinyl records, different sizes), end the 590 field with a note stating that the accompanying material is shelved separately, providing the different call number. For example: Accompanying material shelved separately as: [call number]. In addition, a separate MFHD and item record are created. For devising the call number for the accompanying material, follow the instructions applicable for the shelving location of the accompanying material. In the MFHD, add “‡z Accompanying material” at the end of the call number. The item record for the accompanying material includes “acc. mat.” in the ENUM field.
Bibliographic record
590 |
‡a BEIN Zab W723 Zz959J: Dust jacket. From the library of Donald Windham and Sandy Campbell. Accompanied by: three galley proofs sheets and photocopy, with extensive manuscript corrections, of Sister by Thomas Whiteside, appeared in: The New Yorker, March 6 1964; manuscript list in the hand of Donald Windham; newspaper clippings. All accompanying material is classed and shelved separately as Zab W723 +Zz959Jo. |
852 |
8 |
0 |
‡b beints ‡h Zab W723 ‡i +Zz959Jo ‡z Accompanying material |